Legal Notice

© 2023 All rights reserved
Hertie School gGmbH
Quartier 110 • Friedrichstraße 180
10117 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 259219-0
Fax +49 (0)30 259219-111
Leadership of the School
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Bernd Knobloch
Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Frank Mattern
Academic Director: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Woll
Managing Director: Dr. Axel Baisch
Trade Register
HRB 97018 B, Local Court, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Value Added Tax Identification Number
DE 241828668
EORI Number
Referrals and Links
The Hertie School is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from these pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages.
Design, development and image concept
Design and front-end development by mobiteam.
Illustrations and animations by