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One case at a time
The Tech Litigation Database is the first resource exploring global litigation efforts against automated systems.
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A Global and Collaborative Database
We are building a global and comprehensive collection of cases on contested uses of new technologies. This collective effort depends on the collaboration of countless individuals around the world.
Join our global community and assist the expansion of this invaluable resource by adding your case or becoming a national rapporteur.
Join the ProjectAbout the Project
The Tech Litigation Database is part of the Algorithmic Fairness for Asylum Seekers (AFAR) Project, funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, and is hosted at the Centre for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School. It is the first online and freely-available resource dedicated to compiling litigation against the use of new technologies with a global scope, thanks to the support of national rapporteurs worldwide.
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Tracing Migration Technology in Europe
A multitude of new technologies are being used and tested on migrants and asylum seekers right now. With the AFAR Project, we are analysing and compiling data on how these technologies have been implemented across Europe. Use our interactive map to learn about how and where they are currently used.
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