Case Law Database

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Spain, National Court of Justice, 30th April 2024, BOSCO Case

Country Spain

Deciding Body Lower National Court

Area Social Benefits and Welfare State

Decision Date 30 April 2024

South Africa, High Court of South Africa, 16 January 2024, P.P.M and Others v Minister of Home Affairs (14238/21), ID Blocking

Country South Africa

Deciding Body Higher National Court

Area Migration

Decision Date 16 January 2024

Japan, Tokyo District Court, 16 May 2024, R5 (gyo-u) no. 5001

Country Japan

Deciding Body Tokyo District Court

Area Intellectual Property

Decision Date 16 May 2024

Sweden, Kammarrätten i Göteborg, 2020-02-21, Mål nr 6973-19

Country Sweden

Deciding Body Lower National Court

Area Public Administration

Decision Date 21 February 2020

Germany, Berlin Administrative Court, 1 June 2021, VG 9 K 135/20 A

Country Germany

Deciding Body Lower National Court

Area Asylum

Decision Date 1 June 2021

Germany, Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, 31 May 2023, Automated Credit Card Issuing

Country Germany

Deciding Body Data Protection Authority

Area Data Protection

Decision Date 31 May 2023

UK, Information Commissioner’s Office, 28 February 2024, GPS Tracking Pilot

Country United Kingdom

Deciding Body Data Protection Authority

Area Migration

Decision Date 28 February 2024

Brazil, São Paulo Justice Tribunal, 10 May 2023, IDEC v. Via Quatro

Country Brazil

Deciding Body Lower National Court

Area Public Administration

Decision Date 10 May 2023

The Netherlands, Data Protection Authority, 25 November 2021, Dutch Child Benefit Scandal

Country The Netherlands

Deciding Body Data Protection Authority

Area Public Administration

Decision Date 25 November 2021

The Netherlands, Council of State, 7 November 2018, C‑293/17 and C‑294/17

Country The Netherlands

Deciding Body Higher National Court

Area Public Administration

Decision Date 7 November 2018









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